“Before the training with Qiang, I failed several interviews. So I tried to see what advice Qiang could provide. It was much more than what I had expected. Within a month, I scheduled five appointments with her to practice my interview skills. Meanwhile, I learned a lot about U.S business culture and about how to conduct myself in a professional manner. All these training lifted my career perspective to a whole different level. With Qiang’s help, I successfully landed a job with one of the Big Four accounting firms.” – Yuxuan, Associate at Ernst & Young
”我的文采有限,用文字也无法表达黄老师对我的帮助到底有多大。但我只想说, 不是名牌大学毕业的,没有很高的GPA这些都不是问题,千万不要放弃,这些都是可以克服的。你只是需要一个领路人在适当的位置推你一下,给你一些建议,帮你重拾信心并找到一些机会。我觉得黄老师绝对是在我找工作的路途上给予我最大帮助的人,她有强大的networking,多年的面试经验。通过她的帮助再加上你自身的努力,找到你心仪的工作就不是梦。”– Rentong, Jefferies IBD Associate
Huang & Fitzgerald Career Consulting is devoted to helping all talents to enhance their professional skills and to achieve their near-term and long-term career goals. We help students and young professionals with multicultural background learn and adjust to US business culture through workshops and seminars, expand their netwrok through relevant professional events, and increase their career opporutnities through private and group coaching.
Huang & FItzgerald Business Consulting helps organizations seeking global collaborations to connect with Chinese business community and generate conversations among business partners across the boarders. We faciliate business communications and introduce collaboration partners.